
[Reprint] child Makino novels El Korea _ little 303

Origicapital one banknal address: child Makino novels 303 Al Han author: child ROK-us jointly Makino, continuous teasing �� nodonate car ny vels the tireless diao de III Chapter 132 cnew york medical malpractice lawyers hild Makino from this chapter of the youngster Makino quote: Korea repeated military exercise, whatever the outcome, in Korea, the United States, Japan, is a tree, his Majesty's paper mask. Therefore, the military escalation, South Korea, the United States and Japan, are encouraged by the potential good morale. On behalf of the Korean and is underlying the solitary, bad. Thanks to the Korean no collapse of the stock market, otherwise it. 2010 requests since Friday 17 December to 23 December Thursday, now means observing and grimace of futures as follows standard answers. 1. Futures main varieties (1 month contract) that faces the green head. 000300 CSI 300 index faces 2010/12/17 Friday 3230.67 green 3225.66. CSI 300 index futures month IF1012 faces 2010/12/17 Friday 3228.4 green 3221.2. Turnover of 9782 hand hands hit = + 4462 5320 hand on the arch. Position to enter delivery 1351 hands. Settlement down to 3221.3. CSI 300 index futures raise IF1101 faces 2010/12/17 Friday 3264.2 head green 3281. Under contract 142994 hand = hit 70434 hand + on Arch 72560 hands. $ 23276 hand positions. Settlement down to 3269.2. CSI 300 index futures next quarter IF1103 faces 2010/12/17 Friday 3316.2 head green 3335.8 3346.2 red one. Turnover of 2432 hand = 1329 hand + under hit on Arch 1103. Position to 4735 hands. Clearing up to 3336.6. CSI 300 index futures down quarter IF1106 faces 2010/12/17 Friday 3388 head green 3405 3418 red one. Contract under hit 309 hand = 149 hand + 160 hands on Arch. Position to 1464. Clearing up to 3408.8. Appendix: 000001 stock index faces 2010/12/17 Friday 2898.14 green 2893.74. 399005 szse SME index 2009/12/17 Friday 7116.22 head green II 7120.57. 399006 gem index 2009/12/17 Friday 1225.03 red six 1232.98. Shanghai contract 947.8 billion. Rose 524. Drop 515. Shenzhen contract 896.7 billion. Rose 635. Fall of 619. One of the three presentations diao de: much farther, the rebound of the contract, narrowing the current month's decline. 12 months (discount extended to 4.46 point) contract, now means, on the evidence, are all green. 1 month (litres to 55.34 point) contract, your green. March (litres to 120.54 point), June (litres to 192.34 point) contract, all the red one. Small plate, green head. Gem, red six. Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market today equals 1844.5 billion turnover, than the last 2158.1 313.6 billion $. 1 month contract, empty party position Crown (vsvg qiho) Asia (gotljpoj) army positions (increased from $ 4747, 3737 hands), multiple positions Crown (gotl jpoj) Asia (vejdysoj) army of multiple warehouses ($ 1510 1561, to hand). 1 month contract position top 20, empty square to 20019 hand, multi-party 15968 hands. The day's faces head green, rise on all sides of power: the first 4 bits (jdsuhsye) plus many 669. The empty side 15-bit (tmqi qiho) empty 128 hands. 1 month contract the day's trading volume Crown (gotl jpoj) Asia (hltsqiho) Army contract 26931 hand respectively, 25165 hand, most of which is t + 0 is not for the night. Turnover of Champions for the night warehouse plus many empty hand, plus 7 912 hands. Turnover 1st Runner-up for the night warehouse minus 11 hands, empty 92 hands. The visible volume champion (and empty square runner-up, multiple champion), turnover 1st Runner-up (and empty party 10-bit, multi-party 9-bit) in the collective process of upheaval, which are both empty net plus. 2. Futures main varieties (1 month contract) that faces green four. 000300 CSI 300 index faces 2010/12/20 Monday 3225.66 green four 3178.66. CSI 300 index futures month IF1101 faces 2010/12/20 Monday 3264.2 green four 3209.2. Under contract 222228 hand = hit 113375 hand + on Arch 108853 hands. Position to 23073 hands. Settlement down to 3211.8. CSI 300 index futures raise IF1102 faces 2010/12/20 Monday first day of opening listed green 3241.6 3315. Under the contract the hand = 3732 hit 1918 hand + 1814 hand on the arch. $ 418 hand positions. Settlement down to 3244.2. CSI 300 index futures next quarter IF1103 faces 2010/12/20 Monday 3346.2 falling Red II 3335.8 green 3277. Under the contract the hand = 5292 hit 2699 hand + 2593 hand on the arch. $ 4790 hand positions. Settlement down to 3281.4. CSI 300 index futures down quarter IF1106 faces 2010/12/20 Monday 3418 falling Red II 3405 green 3356. Contract under hit 662 hand = 396 hand + 266 hand on the arch. Position to 1422. Settlement down to 3357.8. Appendix: 000001 stock index faces 2010/12/20 Monday 2893.74 green four 2852.92. 399005 szse SME index 2009/12/20 Monday 7116.22 green 7049. 399006 gem index 2009/12/20 Monday 1232.98 falling red seven 1225.03 green 1212.34. Shanghai contract 1489.5 billion. Up to 255. Fall 829. Shenzhen contract 1334.9 billion. Rose 302. Fall 944. Diao Germany explains two: taeyonpyong Han combat exercise, not only had each other earthquake behaved earthquakes have neighbouring China futures day diluted next-door diving. Part of the profit from short da win. Han offset as long as zuiying soft happened without following some of China's stock market bull and fingers itch, head light. Then? Han upgrade teasing each other. The other felt head, you live in. Each other if out of cannons, Korean American coalition, homeopathy and air attack, were destroyed ... 1 month (premium reduction to 30.54 point) contract, now means, all green on the card. February (premium 62.94 point), March (liters condensation to 98.34 point), June (premiums reduced to 177.34 point) contract, gem, all green. Small plate, green. Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market today equals 2824.4 billion turnover, than the last big increase $ 1844.5 979.9 billion. Volume prices. 1 month contract, empty party position Crown (vsvg qiho) Asia (gotljpoj) army positions ($ 4776 hand to 3450 hands), multiple positions Crown (gotl jpoj) Asia (hwtlihig) army of multiple warehouses (reduced from $ 1338 1428 hands, hand). 1 month contract position top 20, empty square to 19784 hand, much reduced from 15905 hands. Green day's face, the most important multilateral pressure: 12th (jdsuhsye) number 419. The empty side 12 bit (dahw qiho) with empty hands of 336. 1 month contract the day's trading volume Crown (gotl jpoj) Asia (gdfaqiho) Army contract 44338 hand respectively, 43118 hand, most of which is t + 0 is not for the night. Volume reduction of numerous Championship for the night warehouse 133 hand, empty 287. Turnover 1st Runner-up for the night warehouse plus many empty hand, plus 51 115 hands. The visible volume champion (and empty square runner-up, multiple champion), turnover 1st Runner-up (and empty square 4 bit, multi-party 5th) in collective push, it both differences are bi-directional exit net reduction of empty, bidirectional coded empty net plus. 3. Futures main varieties (1 month contract) that faces the red one. 000300 CSI 300 index faces 2010/12/21 Tuesday 3178.66 head green red five 3225.66 a 3249.51. CSI 300 index futures month IF1101 faces 2010/12/21 Tuesday 3209.2 head green red five 3264.2 a 3303.4. Under contract 205960 hand = hit 101429 hand + on Arch 104531 hands. $ 24712 hand positions. Clearing up to 3291.6. CSI 300 index futures raise IF1102 faces 2010/12/21 Tuesday 3241.6 head green II 3315 red a 3339.2. Turnover in 1954 under the hand = hit on the hand + 996 arch 958. $ 457 hand positions. Clearing up to 3326.2. CSI 300 index futures next quarter IF1103 faces 2010/12/21 Tuesday 3277 head green II 3335.8 red a 3372.4. Contract under hit 3837 hand = 1822 hand + 2015 hand on the arch. Position to 4765 hands. Clearing up to 3361.6. CSI 300 index futures down quarter IF1106 faces 2010/12/21 Tuesday 3356 head green II 3405 red a 3446. Turnover of 398 hand = 191 hand + under hit on Arch 207 hands. Position to 1460. Clearing up to 3437.8. Appendix: 000001 stock index faces 2010/12/21 Tuesday 2852.92 head green red five 2893.74 a 2904.12. 399005 szse SME index 2009/12/21 Tuesday 7049 head green four 7099.98. 399006 gem index 2009/12/21 Tuesday 1212.34 head green II 1215.02. Shanghai contract 1388.7 billion. Rose 835. Fall-243. Shenzhen contract 1231.7 billion. Rose 918. Foodstuffs, 336. Diao Germany on 3: 1 month (litres to 53.89 point), February (litres to 89.69 point), March (litres to 122.89 point), June (litres to 196.49 point) contract, now means, on the card, all the red one. Small and medium-sized Board, four green head. Gem, the green head. Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market today equals 2620.4 billion turnover, than the last 2824.4 billion reduced 204 billion. 1 month contract, empty party position Crown (vsvg qiho) Asia (gotljpoj) army positions (reduced from $ 3985 4654 hands, hand), multiple positions Crown (gotl jpoj) Asia (vejdysoj) army of multiple warehouses ($ 1740 hand hands to $ 1392). 1 month contract position top 20, empty square to 20889 hand, multi-party 17249 hands. The day's faces red a reactive power: on the rise, many 6-bit (uhhldsvg) plus many 663. The empty side 12 bit (gdda qiho) 308-reducing empty hands. 1 month contract the day's trading volume Crown (gotl jpoj) Asia (gdfaqiho) Army contract 42519 hand respectively, 37509 hand, most of which is t + 0 is not for the night. Turnover of Champions for the night warehouse plus number 312 535 empty hand, combined with the hand. Turnover 1st Runner-up for the night warehouse plus number 36, empty 101 hand in hand. The visible volume champion (and empty square runner-up, multiple champion), turnover 1st Runner-up (and empty square 4 bit, multi-party 5th) carried on in a collective process, its two divisions, namely the bidirectional coded net plus empty, reducing the total amount of pounds of net reduction of empty. 4. Futures main varieties (1 month contract) that faces the green one. 000300 CSI 300 index faces 2010/12/22 Wednesday 3249.51 falling Red II 3225.66 green 3215.45. CSI 300 index futures whenMonth IF1101 faces 2010/12/22 Wednesday 3303.4 falling Red II 3264.2 green 3243.6. Under contract 176758 hand = hit 90856 hand + on Arch 85902 hands. Position to 22657 hands. Settlement down to 3244.6. CSI 300 index futures raise IF1102 faces 2010/12/22 Wednesday 3339.2 falling Red II 3315 green 3279.8. Contract 2008 hand = 995 + under hit on Arch 1013. $ 517 hand positions. Settlement down to 3275.8. CSI 300 index futures next quarter IF1103 faces 2010/12/22 Wednesday 3372.4 falling Red II 3335.8 Green a 3310. Contract under hit 3472 hand = 1816 hand + 1656 hand on the arch. Position to 4604. Settlement down to 3310.4. CSI 300 index futures down quarter IF1106 faces 2010/12/22 Wed hung Red II 3405 3446 green 3392. Under the contract the hand = 435 265 hand + hit on Arch-170. Position to 1445. Settlement down to 3393.8. Appendix: 000001 stock index faces 2010/12/22 Wednesday 2904.12 falling Red II 2893.74 green 2877.9. 399005 szse SME index 2009/12/22 Wednesday 7049 green five 7025.67. 399006 gem index 2009/12/22 Wednesday 1212.34 green 1201.65. Shanghai contract 1276.6 billion. Rose 338. Fall 754. Shenzhen contract 1137.7 billion. Risen 350. Fall 928. Diao Germany on four: 1 month (premium reduction to 28.15 point), February (premiums reduced to 64.35 point), March (liters condensation to 94.55 point), June (premiums reduced to 176.55 point) contract, now means, on the evidence, are all green. Small plate, green 5. Gem, green. Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market today equals 2414.3 billion turnover, than the last 2620.4 206.1 billion $. 1 month contract, empty party position Crown (vsvg qiho) Asia (gotljpoj) army positions (reduced to 4512 hand to hand-3412), multiple positions Crown (hwtl ihig) Asia (gotljpoj) army of multiple warehouses ($ 1649, reduced to 1434 hand). 1 month contract position top 20, empty square to 19482 hand, much reduced from 16087 hands. Green day's faces, push the most important: many 19th bit (uhhldsvg) reduction of numerous 779 hand (after mass and number of yesterday and today's mass cut meat liquidation). Empty Party 9 bit (dahw qiho) with empty hands 514. 1 month contract the day's trading volume Crown (gotl jpoj) Asia (gdfaqiho) Army contract 34607 hand respectively, 31771 hand, most of which is t + 0 is not for the night. Volume reduction of numerous Championship for the night warehouse 306, empty 573 hand in hand. Turnover 1st Runner-up for the night warehouse reduced number 107 hands, the hands with empty 362. The visible volume champion (and empty square runner-up, multi-party runner-up), turnover 1st Runner-up (and empty square 3rd, multi-party 5th) in collective push, it both differences are bi-directional exit net reduction of empty, a net amount of the raise and empty. 5. Futures main varieties (1 month contract) that faces the green in two. 000300 CSI 300 index faces 2010/12/23 Thursday 3215.45 green II 3188.61. CSI 300 index futures month IF1101 faces 2010/12/23 Thursday 3243.6 green II 3218.2. Under contract 218391 hand = hit 108904 hand + on Arch 109487 hands. $ 23734 hand positions. Settlement down to 3223.6. CSI 300 index futures raise IF1102 faces 2010/12/23 Thursday 3279.8 green II 3256. Turnover of 2146 hit under the hand = 1100 + 1046 hand on the arch. Position to $ 593 in hand. Settlement down to 3259. CSI 300 index futures next quarter IF1103 faces 2010/12/23 Thursday 3310 green II 3298. Under contract 4363 hand = hit 2268 hand + 2095 hand on the arch. Position to 4884 hands. Settlement down to 3298.2. CSI 300 index futures down quarter IF1106 faces 2010/12/23 Thursday 3392-green II 3379.2. Turnover of 395 hand = 229 + under hit on Arch 166 hands. Increased from 1531 hand positions. Settlement down to 3378. Appendix: 000001 stock index faces 2010/12/23 Thursday 2877.9 green II 2855.22. 399005 szse SME index 2009/12/23 Thursday 7025.67 green six 6892. 399006 gem index 2009/12/23 Thursday 1201.65 green four 1176.36. Shanghai contract 1109.3 billion. Rose 181. Fall-888. Shenzhen contract 1002.7 billion. Up 189. Fall-1069. Diao Germany please teacher explaining the fifth child Makino: Korea repeated military exercise, whatever the outcome, in Korea, the United States, Japan, is a tree, his Majesty's paper mask. Therefore, the military escalation, South Korea, the United States and Japan, are encouraged by the potential good morale. On behalf of the Korean and solitary friends (Note 1), is the potential bad. Thanks to the Korean no collapse of the stock market, otherwise it. 1 month (litres to 29.59 point), February (litres to 67.39 point), March (litres to 109.39 point), June (litres to 190.59 point) contract, now means, all green on the card. Six small plate, green. Gem, green 4. Today, Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market turnover in total 2112 billion, compared to $ yesterday 2414.3 302.3 billion. 1 month contract, empty party position Crown (vsvg qiho) Asia (gotljpoj) army positions (reduced to reduce hand, 4306-3182 hands), multiple positions Crown (gotl jpoj) Asia (hwtlihig) army of multiple warehouses ($ 1631 hand to hand, 1594). 1 month contract position top 20, empty square to 20226 hand, multi-party 16425 hands. Green day's face, the second is the most under pressure: many 12-bit (vsvgqiho) hand over 385. Empty party 3 bits (hwtl ihig) with empty hands 597. 1 month contract the day's trading volume Crown (gotl jpoj) Asia (hltsqiho) Army contract 44365 hand respectively, 38331 hand, most of which is t + 0 is not for the night. Turnover of Champions for the night warehouse plus number 197, empty 230 hand in hand. Turnover 1st Runner-up for the night warehouse with more than 50 hands, reducing empty 131 hands. The visible volume champion (and empty square runner-up, multiple champion), turnover 1st Runner-up (and empty square 9-bit, 8-bit channels) in collective push process, it is both consistent and minus points of the total net reduction of empty. 6. Follow-up blood of arrangements. 2009/12/27. Fengdong co. thaw 324000. Days before the wind can thaw 996000. Shimge thaw 526080. Jinbei electric defrost 946400. Each household total unfrozen 2792480 minus sign in. Purchase $ 300155 homes Po 49 14000 686000. Purchase 300156 day environmental 58 $ 16000 928000. Purchase 300157 hengtai EPPs 57 element 17000 969000. Purchase 300158 Zhendong pharmaceutical 38.8 28000 1086400. Purchase $ 300159 newill co. 69.98 594830 8500 units. Total limit per household purchase $ 4264230. 12/28/2010. Purchase 780118 (601118) Hainan rubber. 2009/12/29/3. Sifang co. thaw 138 million. Purchase 002534 hang pots co.. Purchase 002535 linzhou heavy machinery. Purchase 002536 West pump co.. Purchase 002537 highly Metroplex. This week at the beginning of the week 3 consecutive days release 3 batch of 10 new units. Child mirror muye figures wild Cowboys, song, saying: "West, West pump, blood used pump, the shareholders of the soul, have not taken the road, a little sensationalist. "12/30/2010. Home Po thaw 686000. Day of environmental thaw 928000. Hengtai EPPs thaw 969000. Zhendong pharmaceutical thaw 1086400. Xinyan co. thaw 594830. Each household total unfrozen 4264230 minus sign in. 12/31/2010. Hainan rubber thaw. 2011/1/4 second. Hangzhou boiler co. thaw. Linzhou heavy machinery to thaw. West pump co. thaw. Highly-us up to thaw. Purchase 300160 Sau strong company. Purchase 300161 Huazhong NC. Purchase 300162 Lehman photoelectric. Purchase 300163 pioneer new material. Purchase 300164 pass source of oil. It's new year's day holiday on the first trading day, so the blood of man, the first batch of first five new shares. 2011/1/5%. Purchase 780558 (601558) huarui wind power. The next day went to the second group, get big. 2011/1/7%. Show strong company thaw. Huazhong NC thaw. Lehman photoelectric thaw. Pioneer new material thaw. Pass the source oil thaw. 1/10/2011. Huarui wind thaw. Annotations: Note 1: solitary friends. Not a friend of Fox. Not being rich. But friends of singular form. North Korea in the world, because of their extreme poverty and extremely arrogant, but extremely isolated. It has no friends. Nominal friends or alone, just it's begging object. Although long before there is a military alliance treaty, but has long since been valueless. Korean American coalition to implement on North Korea, the Korean military surgeons don't count on the West it rotten mud paste on the wall of the so-called "ugly," the war to aid. In fact, the ROK-US military exercise was alive, which North Korea would like to get some friends have also isolated joint military exercise, no one is willing to engage with it, no one stepped on it. This is it's sad, and very sad in deep fears. The name of the country of Korea, the inevitable disintegration in the future. What is Korea?, afternoon morning fresh smell, rotted in the evening. Korea reunification of Korea, is an inevitable trend of history. Peaceful reunification, or harmonization of force, I believe that the Chinese part of Kazakhstan Korea, Korea is firmly stand on the side. We should learn from the United States, strong one-sided in Korea-Korean conflict, as always, support for Korea. Not want only to learn alone friends and want to talk to North Korea do old relationships, want to do well with Korea, the result of the new relationship between both sides. Lifting unit throws throw throwing (short champion position), the new unit thrown in check throw throwing (short champion position), stock index futures and throw a throwing temper Green Left (open empty open empty, empty champion position), the equivalent United States one-sided, as always, support for Korea. Absolutely do not engage in the morning and afternoon support supported Korea Korea rotation support. We do not engage in the lifting unit throws throw throwing and eat eat eat. Do not engage in check new shares short throw throwing and eat eat eat. We do not engage in the stock index futures open empty open empty after opening more open. Only engage in temper on empty flat empty after every. Have the opportunity and temper open air ... This is called their loyalty. This is called his friend (not a solitary friends) friend friendship. United States is Korea's true friends, really through thick and thin. United States is Japan's true friends, also providing nuclear umbrella. United States is Israel's true friends, the best and most advanced weapons, most willing to sell it. United States does not like the topsy-turvy. Short big winners don't like topsy-turvy. Of course, the United States will penetrate enemy, spy on its military, shake their morale. Short champion will penetrate into base camp, feel its bullish trend, leading its civil strife. This is a ghost face of relations, speculative science, enrichment of American Al Han principles. Child Makino comments, afterthought to 2010 27 December. 55003.132 the ROK, continuous teasing �� novels page�� tireless diao Germany > Chapter 132 for "child Makino in 2010 Dec. 24. Published in: the jinrongtouzibao on December 25, 2010, 4420 period page 9. The following areGeneration of school children Makino law blog novelist 2010 27 December the youngster Makino's novel "Korea El 303. The tireless diao Germany in the period referred to in the first volume chapeau novels are not necessarily a story ... Novels do not necessarily have to have a plot. Novels do not have to shape the character's personality. The novel also can dispense with the usual on the characters and environment description ... In the novel the expanded process, when the poem means better performance authors or their people's feelings, why don't you can insert entire sections of a poem to replace the narrator of the description or explanation of? novel another taste if the only recourse to prose can be fully reflected, the writer can write the whole entire, whole sections of entire sections of pure prose ... Novels will be and any literary category by marriage, birth to many beautiful boys ... Since a prose and poetry with prose poetry, prose and novel combination will produce prose fiction ...-Gao Xingjian in 1981. Early on, I have put the paper forms and novel elements of hybrid. Hybrid out papers-fiction. Published in Xinhua paper publications. More than a concealed. In recent years, began to put more digital stream, like, massive debris flow into the novel, when the newspaper was published my digital stream, mental stream novels, chapter a week, for many years to allow readers to cool the burn in, and the joy of the novel not to end, otherwise readers not promised. Then press office, this novel is the series for long. Also will continue. No limits. But, the tireless diao Germany in the period referred to in the first (diao de part 3 of the three series, no. 95-132), almost every chapter is a bunch of professional data inclusion diao Germany explanation. Some hate figures, hate mathematics (in fact, I took in the novels of primary level mathematics) used the traditional pattern of literary fiction, may be conservative to a great start: you mean novels? you this does is ravaged novels? this understanding. Torn women's novels of male novelists. And do not break the law. As if God gives virtual behavior, a dream, the dream of Maria in the cultivation of Jesus hidden in God's Holy sperm. No one said that God is who ravaged by remote sensing, or violated the human moral, human law. Novelist, who is the creator of the virtual world of literature, in a work, only made the digital stream and diao Germany's spirit flow, as well as two stream impinging, ignored the diao Germany face (he is this stubborn, Maung Win), hair (skull head no hair) ... It was highlighted the mainstream, overlooked the River ... Of course some spirit sprays, corrugated, details, or to activate now and then. When readers letter begins, get asked me to say hello to diao Germany, I know that this stubborn, well-intentioned good this stubborn, has been living in a growing number of people's hearts, and their harmonious, mutually to each other with a smile, good luck. He'll help you tit, withstand latent malicious around. �� Tong Makino 2010 September 23. Novels, you can have unlimited expression. Let the stories reflect stock index futures trading history of earth-shaking, I prefer the digital stream liushuizhang story mode. Interspersed with these digital stream, flowing through ghost diao Germany and master mind of youngster Makino, excited to master and apprentice on the spiritual flow pattern occurs. In Wei, light, being in power stages, this novel occupies official newspapers and periodicals, official yum prospective blog layout, the spirit is digital stream, the stream of novels, well do not make river water free stream selection. Like the work of Picasso painting in living eyes face, let classical painter startled, but no political risk. In future, more no concept taboo another more autonomous period, I launched a publication, may be the case, the stream's novel is more in keeping with the traditional mode of fiction, as if the Arab classical novel the thousand and one nights ". With more than vague and tension of flesh and blood people, as well as bloody story. Being a postmodernist novelist, my own humble tolerance, performance lies in the face of their works, as well as the subject of curiosity, is this answer: this is purely prose? glorification of it. It is not pure. Copper rich flavor. But the opposite of the truth, trying to get a fiction. This is the epic history of the futures trading? no, have a history of the tributaries of the components, but not the poem. This is the record of the literary reportage or? no, it contains virtual components including saw it one stream tranquil purification, and raised the ghost. It is fiction? lets you say no. Two thousand years, the Bible, and the more people that it allowed Customs is not a novel. However it seems to me that the Bible isn't fiction? it is a combination of romance, moral teachings (essays, thesis), hymns, lyric prose of age, in a style free of great novels. �� Tong Makino 2010 to 31 October.

