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Fernando Alonso with respect, if one day it's switched to Ferrari vitel, he and the new world champion as team-mate there will be no any problem.����Two world championship points out that, in his entire F1 career, integral has never been teammates going beyond it, so he has no reason to worry young vitel. "I'm not worried about vitel. This week in his hometown "Alonso Oviedo in Spain media said that" if he one day to Ferrari, there will be no problem. I have nothing to say. "" But (I want to declare) I'm not afraid to face any teammate, Crown cash NET www.rj6888.com, because I have never been afraid of them. So many years, the Crown is net account www.rj8899.com, also no ally have to score more than me, not even a minute. So I really can't find any reason to any person who is afraid of. "Alonso answer questions from the media of the Ferrari President Monte Peter Moro had earlier said last week:" vitel is Ferrari sooner or later. "Putting aside meipu talking, Alonso believed Ferrari 2011 will be able to build a car tocapital one bank challenge Red Bull and McLaren, fight for the Championship's top racing. "I will have a wanted car racing. Ferrari must aim at the Championship, because its prestige has been placed here.new york medical malpractice lawyers donate car ny ��

